Well my friends, you've asked for it and now you've gotten it...a new blog post! My return to blogging had an inauspicious start as I forgot my password cause it's been so long since I've logged into this account, I've been jumping through the hoops to retrieve the password and just now got it. I'm not sure what good this Mac's password remembering software is when it doesn't work on this page. Luckily it works on every other page though, so if someone got a hold of this computer they could log into my bank accounts, facebook page, fantasy football teams, porn si...er, historical book club accounts. And my return to blogging couldn't come on a better night as douche of the year Brett Favre is taking on his former team the Packers. I'm not sure how these two events correlate but it sounds good. I guess I could somewhat be considered the Brett Favre of blogging, right when you guys thought you were rid of me, I came back, and come back with a vengence I will! Also like Favre, I blog best after I've been hit with tragedy, and earlier today that happened as I stubbed my toe on the corner of my bed post. Not fun, but my loss is your gain. Be prepared to read as I spit ill venom kids, game on.
It's a big week as this upcoming Sunday is the Chicago marathon, the first marathon I've ever ran. So far I've only had one person ask how long that specific marathon is. Just to clear any confusion, all marathons regardless of location are 26.2 miles. Let me put that in perspective for you, if you went out and ran 1 mile a day it would take you 26.2 days to cover the race distance. That's almost a whole month, my goal is slightly better than that at finishing in a touch under 3.5 hours. Some crazy African dudes will finish in approximately 2 hours, that's amazing. One runner has apparently thrown down the gauntlet that he wants to break the world record for the marathon at this race, I for one hope he does. It would be pretty sweet to witness something like that, albeit by the time I cross the finish line that guy will be back to the hotel and showered, had lunch, and on his way to the airport. But you understand what I'm saying.
It's been a great year for me in terms of racing and luckily for me no matter what happens on Sunday, I'll set a personal record in the marathon. So I have that going for me. Earlier in the year I was chronicaling all the races I'd done and the number of shirts I had collected. The total at this date is 11 shirts, my collection is rather stout now. After Chicago, I'll probably do 1 more 5k just to lay down a smoking time before winter and call it a year. That's 13 shirts, no doubt I'll be living in race shirt oppulance. Most shirts are pretty good (I'd probably say the River Run half marathon is my fave, not the best design or highest quality material, but it's black and very slimming), with the exception being the Komen Race for the Cure shirt (cotton, we'll cut them a little slack and assume the money normally reserved for technical shirts went towards cancer research).
Anyway, I just wanted to wet your appetite for what should be a good week of blogging. I hope to do at least 2-3 more entries before the race, and no doubt the one after will be epic. I'm thinking Pulitzer. It's going to be an interesting week that obviously culminates at 7:30am central time this upcoming Sunday. 3 of my 4 fantasy football teams won this week, so we're off to a good start which I like. Talk to you later kids.