Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Blacker the Berry...

This picture doesn't have anything to do with this post but I saw it and thought I needed to share it with the rest of the world. I found it through God's Twitter page. Yes, God is on Twitter. I still don't understand Twitter, but God's Twitter feed is kind of funny, and I'm sure he knows who follows his feed so when I die he should hook me up, so I've got that going for me.

Last week I wrote part 1 of Saturday's events in Bowling Green with the thought of it being a grand 2 part blog with tons of hilarity. I meant to write part 2 on Tuesday but I ended up getting busy and never had the chance to write it and do it justice. As the week passed I've lost a little steam over what transpired so I'll give you a shorter account. Just to refresh your memory, part 1 ended with us ordering Myle's pizza at the bar while getting sloshed. Soooo...while at the bar, this girl who a friend used to hook up with in college showed up out of nowhere which was crazy, what are the odds? It's funny cause her nickname is 'Lawnmower Toes Amy' cause she's missing a few toes due to a tragic lawnmower accident as a child. After everyone got back from the dinner, we hit the carryout to grab some brews and went with some undergrads to one of their off campus houses. I went classy and got a 30 pack of Natural Ice, I didn't realize they still made the stuff, I thought it got outlawed cause it was making kids go blind. We didn't stay there long before heading to the Brathaus downtown. Things were getting hazy here and I don't remember anything particularly interesting happening. At bar close we went back to the house w/ all of our beer where we met an undergrad who felt the need to bump his gums to us about how we were old and couldn't drink anymore.

Bad idea son. After realizing I wasn't backing down from his challenge he tried to puss out and get a proxy to take his place in the beer bong challenge I set up. Whatever, I crushed the other kid too. Point is, you fuck with the bull, you get the horns. I'm pretty sure I ruined this kids life. Looking back, I probably could have cut the kid some slack. Nahhhh nevermind, he needed a lesson taught to him.

In other big news this week, I got a Blackberry this week. I'm debating whether or not to get an iPhone or something else, but either way I know I need to get a phone w/ email/internet/etc. My regular douche phone just isn't holding my interest anymore. I went to Verizon (my current carrier) to check out their selection of phones, and as it turns out most of their phones horrendously blow. The only decent option is the Blackberry Curve, the BB Storm is an abomination. After that, I went to the AT&T store and checked out the over. iPhone is the way to go, but...I still have time left on my Verizon deal and it will cost me $85 to get out of my contract early. It's nice though, through my new employer we get 20% off of monthly plans at AT&T, and 22% off at Verizon, so that's super sweet. With news of a possible new iPhone coming out in a few months I decided not to plunk down the $200 for the phone plus the early termination fee w/ Verizon, so I could wait to see what Apple does with the new product. It seems as if it isn't actually a new phone, it is merely an HD input/output cable and new OS (which is free to download) for the current phone. Also, next year the iPhone exclusivity contract w/ AT&T expires and all carriers will be able to carry the phone. See, I bet you didn't think of this as your go to tech blog did you? I still think AT&T's 3G network is the hot ticket though. The BB is pretty cool though, it's definately a huge step up from what I had. Plus, I'm probably just going to take it back in a month anyway (I can take it back w/o financial reprocussion w/in 30 days). I'm sure I'll write more about it in my next post, I've been familiarizing myself with it over the past 5 days and have gotten over the initial learning curve I think so I'm just hitting my stride.

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