Thursday, March 5, 2009


If you were hoping to see a picture of Dhani Jones for the third post in a row then I hate to disappoint you but there will be no such image added to this post. But I will post this link to a picture of #55 straight pimpin. Today, I was asked by someone if I had a man-crush on Jones. The answer to that is no. While he is no doubt very interesting and probably a pretty cool guy, I only have room in my heart for one guy now, and that guy is Lance Armstrong (here's a picture of him messaging me again on Facebook. He likes to keep me updated on things when he's on the road, but enough is enough Lance, there's work to be done!). For some reason right now I'm completely and utterly fascinated with everything Lance, Livestrong, and The Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF). I haven't been able to determine if I'm presently looking for a road bike because of my infatuation with LA or if I'm presently infatuated with LA because I'm looking at road bikes. Either way I'm hooked, I think subscribing to the Twitter feed of the LAF CEO, Doug Ulman, was the final straw. Those people seem genuinely pumped up to tackle cancer and be at the forfront of the fight. Their world perspective and optimistic approach is nothing short of completely addictive. I think their grassroots movement in the fight against Cancer was, in part, inspiration for the same way Barack Obama ran his presidential campaign. I have no proof or direct parallels between the two, but I think there are definately similarities. The LAF isn't a large organization, but they energize a large group that is more than willing to do the work necessary to organize events, raise funds, educate, heighten awareness, and overcome their experiences with the deadliest disease in the history of man. I encourage everyone to checkout the website for the Lance Armstrong Foundation, there is always interesting stuff to read, watch, and aid with getting involved in the campaign against all forms of cancer.

That being said...onto thoughts on LOST. According to the LOST Twitter feed (I have no clue if it's officially associated with the show or ABC), but they had an interesting tweet today about the name of the episode titled '316' from two weeks ago. The flight number that the episode was named for is based on the Bible (apparently the B in Bible is supposed to be capitalized, I looked it up, the interweb wouldn't lie) story described in John Chapter 3, verse 16. This verse reads: 'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.' This goes directly to my belief that Locke is Jesus, because as Christian Shephard told him before he left the island, his death would be a sacrifice. It also speaks to what Locke wrote in his suicide note to Jack, 'I wish you would have believed me,' because at the time of writing that letter, he and Jack were natural rivals. At that time Locke thought Jack would never go back, and Jack's lack of belief in the 'man of faith' would ruin the whole plan of getting the Oceanic 6 back to the island, and in turn save the universe. It wasn't until after Locke mentioned Jack's dead father, and Jack's subsequent tailspin involving booze and painkillers, that he realized that Locke was possibly right and that they needed to go back. I'm not religious by any means, but there is some cool shit with some serious religious meanings happening lately. The scene from that same '316' episode with Ben describing the story of St. Thomas the Apostle to Jack was absolutely amazing (which also dealt with the theory of belief, ending with Ben saying 'We all end up believing sooner or later Jack'). Here are the major talking points from this weeks episode 'LaFleur.'

- They finally showed the whole statue that belongs to the partial foot that they've shown before. BUT...BUT...BUT...they didn't show the front of it! They merely showed it from the rear! Whose face is on it? Locke? Jack? I can't wait to see that.

- Michelle Dessler from 24 shows up as the wife of the leader of the Dharma Initiative. They always find interesting ways to work in new characters.

- They finally account for the 3 year time gap between when Locke leaves the island to the time flight 316 crashes there and brings everyone back. At the end of '316' they showed Jin in a Dharma jumpsuit but we had no clue how he ended up being a member over the previous 3 years. The story of how they became accepted by the DI was good and became clear in the mega awesome scene in which...

- While chillaxin in the DI compound, Faraday sees a pre-pubecent Charlotte running around. She had merely died a few hours before and he's been whacked out since. I'm interested to see the scene where he tells her she can never come back to the island once she leaves, as well as learning how they're related.

- Richard Alpert shows up on the Dharma Initiative compound looking pissed and ready to fuck tons of shit up. Earlier in the show, Sawyer and Juliette had killed 2 hostiles, Alpert's people, as they attempted to kidnap Dessler (no clue what her character's name on LOST is, I didn't really pay attention to that). Alpert came to talk to Horace, the Dharma leader, to seek retribution for the breaking of their 'truce.' Sawyer steps up to talk to Alpert and take responsibility for what happened and completely mindfucks ageless Richard in the process. You see, Sawyer knows all kinds of stuff about Richard, but Richard has no clue who Sawyer is. For the first time ever, Alpert is not in a power position and ends up being Sawyer's bitch. He tucks tail and leaves, only partially getting what he wants, while Sawyer is vindicated for Horace earlier saying 'you aren't Dharma material.' Sawyer's actions to preventing war between the DI and the Hostiles earns Sawyer et al. two more weeks in the DI camp while they look for the rest of the people from their 'ship.'

- While Sawyer, Jin, Faraday, and Miles are going to stay for the two weeks, Juliette says she plans to leave on the sub the following day. Sawyer uses his wiley charms to get her to stay and proceeds to bone the hell out of her and get involved in a serious relationship. What bad can come of this? It's not like Kate is coming back to the island...oh...wait...

- Sawyer gets an urgent phone call and leaves Juliette in bed. He meets Jin who has picked up Jack, Hurley, and Kate fucking Austen. Our man James Ford is now in quite the little nugget dilemma isn't he. Good luck with that one champ.

- One of the kids from the Coors Light NFL coaches ads was in a Buffalo Wild Wings ad. I recognized him right away, I have no clue what his name is, nor do I feel like wasting the key strokes necessary to describe which guy in the commercials he is, but he's one of those guys. Good to see he's branched out and hasn't been stereotyped as a 'beer ad only' guy.

No LOST for two weeks, it will be a hard time, but we'll make it. Together, we will make it.

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