Monday, March 16, 2009

Mo Tweeting, Mo Problems

I have to be honest when I say the main reason I look at Twitter is because of Bad Boy Records CEO Sean Combs (Twitter @iamdiddy). When you look at the picture to the left, how could you not be interested in knowing what he's doing at any point of the day? It's a guarantee that whatever he's doing, it's way cooler than what you or I am doing. I would like to see a pie chart of how Diddy's days are spent, I'm guessing there aren't that many categories of things he's doing, but they're probably completely awesome. And even if what he's doing is something like you or I do (like in USWeekly's 'They're just like us!' section), he's still doing it with way cooler shit. Like if he's surfing the internet for porn, you know it's on a Diddy edition solid gold 19" Macbook Pro. You're probably saying, 'Brandon, Apple doesn't make a 19" Macbook Pro.' I know they tell the general public they don't, but I bet they build them special just for Diddy. And when he's texting hos on his cell phone, it's no doubt on a diamond encrusted Titanium Blackberry that has a Cristal application that shoots Cristal out of a special Diddy edition bluetooth headset into his mouth. Back to the Diddy pie chart...I'd say the major categories represented (with corresponding color, cause it's a pie chart and you need colors) are: riding in my Bentley/personal jet/yacht (canary blue), throwing hundred dollar bills at strippers (hunter green), throwing hundred dollar bills at strippers while in my Bentley/personal jet/yacht (burnt orange), drinking Cristal (yellow), hangin wit his peeps (red), and handling Bad Boy/Sean John bidness (gray). Actually, I'm very interested to see Diddy's pie chart now, I'm very uninterested in seeing mine. The only categories that would probably be involved are: tri training, sleeping, and thinking about what to get for lunch. Sadly, that's about it.

I only actually know 2 people on Twitter, besides that it's all celebs of varying degrees. Diddy is easily the best person to follow, his tweets are off the charts. I'm convinced he's a fucking vampire cause he only tweets at night, during the day I'm sure he's just resting his loins after a hard night of doing....stuff. Pretty much all of his tweets are incredibly positive and uplifting, his energy is unrivaled in the interweb. A basic Diddy tweet consists 3 things: 1- ALL CAPS AND LOTS OF EXCLAMTION POINTS!!! 2- trying to get people to do something he wants to do. And 3- a charge to his followers to get up and go. Here's an example: 'CMON PEOPLE!!! PTWITTY IS UP AND ON THE AIR AT 6AM!! HOW YALL FEELIN? LETS GO!' He's hilarious, he was out of the twitterverse yesterday but came back with a vengence today, here are a few of his tweets to wet your palate:


+++++++++++++++++++++ENERGY!!!!!! take that!+take that+TAKE THAT!!!


Ptwitty question of the day: ARE YALL READY TO DANCE???!!!

As you can tell, it's hilarious. Diddy provides some great fodder for me and my 2 Twitter friends. And, UFC announcer/comedian Joe Rogan commented on Diddy's awesomeness on his feed yesterday. It's obvious the whole world is catching on.

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