Wednesday, March 4, 2009

LOST Two-for-Tuesday...errr...Wednesday-

Before I get to the past 2 episodes of LOST, there's something I need to add to yesterday's post regarding Dhani Jones (here's another picture of him in a bowtie) being considered a renaissance man. Oddly enough, I blog about him yesterday and all of a sudden he's mentioned on Sports Illustrated's website on their pop culture hot list, check that out here. Thanks to for not citing me at all as the reason for including him on their list. Also, this tag of 'Renaissance Man' for Jones seems to have followed him around since the beginning of time. It's almost like he's a former president or something. Much in the same way that Bill Clinton will always be referred to as 'President Bill Clinton,' it seems that Jones will go through the rest of his natural life as 'Renaissance Man Dhani Jones.' (I stricktly used that example to piss off any possible Republicans that might read this cause they despise Clinton with such a visceral hatred. I could have picked any president but I went with Slick Willy. When Republican parents find out their children are having underage sex, they don't care that the kids are engaging in sex acts, they care about the possibility of the kids ending up like Bill Clinton. No doubt it would suck to raise one of the best presidents in the history of the USA that helped create the biggest budget surplus known to this union. It's probably better off living your life as a repressed gay person who has to have intimate encounters with congressional pages and to raise your kids in the image of a winner like George W. Bu......oh nevermind). And, since he will always have the moniker 'RM' like a president, shouldn't he get a library named after him somewhere? That would truly be fitting of a RM.

Last week's episode of LOST was shockingly tame and didn't end up being nearly as great as what I was hoping for. It was better than the previous weeks episode, but it still lacked any profound glimpses into Locke's greatness. There wasn't really enough going on to make an entertaining running diary out of so here are some of the main points:

- This guy Cesar, who talked to Jack in the airport line while waiting to board the plane to Guam, is destined to become a huge character. His second scene in the show and he's already found an office and is rifling through papers clearly looking for something specific. He obviously works for someone, but who?

- After flight 316 crashes on the island, Locke comes back from the dead. In the exact same manner that Dr. Jack's father is now alive, this is what Elouise Hawking was referring to last week when she said Jack needs a proxy on the flight. As we see later in the episode, it's obvious why Locke loves the island, when on it he regained the ability to well as the ability to breathe. When off the island, he always seems stricken to a wheel chair for one reason or another.

- After Locke had his leg set and was in the first aid tent, Widmore shows up and they have an awesome interaction in which Widmore explains how they've met before, only 4 days previous on Locke's timeline. C-Dub then tells Locke, "There's a war coming John, and if you're not back on the island, the wrong side is going to win." Good stuff, the war is going to be the epicenter of the story starting in the next few weeks and from here on in. It will be interesting to see how sides are chosen.

- Matthew Abaddon, the black ageless man and Widmore's employee, tell's Locke that he is his driver and that he 'gets people where they want to go.' I found this interesting because he was clearly pushing an agenda while driving Locke around and was a 'driver' in a sense that he drove people to do what he, or more like Widmore, wanted them to do. He implied he was a 'driver' in the literal 'driving you around in a car' sense but it's more of a 'drive you crazy' sense that he can in some way impose his will onto your future actions. This reminded me of a great character on the X-Files (when it was good) called The Pusher, who was able to make people do all kinds of bad shit (namely kill themselves) simply based on his will. That guy was awesomely demonic, he kind of had a modern day Star Wars Force thing going for him.

- Sayid, Kate, and Jack all felt the need to point out to Locke in some way shape or form that he is an old, single, loser who only wants to go back to the island because he has nothing to live for in the real world. Nice people those Oceanic 6.

- In another example of LOST being racist, Matthew Abaddon is shot and possibly killed. I say possibly because he is ageless, so I would find it hard to believe that he's actually dead. Why does he get killed while white ageless man, Richard Alpert, ascends to power on the island as the leader of the hostiles? I think it's fairly obvious whats going on here.

- Technically, Locke didn't commit suicide. Ben strangled him after being told Jin was alive and that Locke knew of Mrs. Hawking. Ben looked somewhat shocked and irked to hear Jin was alive, but upon hearing Locke knew about Hawking he went all Linus on him and strangled his crippled ass. I consider it a moot point though as Locke was on the verge of hanging himself anyway, and the only reason he didn't was cause Ben talked him out of it. And since he ended up being choked in the same room by the exact same electrical chord he was going to hang himself with, I don't feel the need to blame Ben too much for this. I'm working under the pool principal of 'same ball, same pocket' in terms of calling your shot.

This ended up being a little longer that what I expected so I'll write the summary of tonight's episode tomorrow.

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