Tuesday, March 10, 2009

living in harmo-knee

it's been 5 days since my last post, and i don't really have a full topic i need to touch on but I feel the need to clear my mental pipes of the stuff that's accumulated over the past few days.

- my buddy Ted Haynes (name has been changed to protect his true identity) was in town Friday night for the state high school wrestling tournament and we met at Buffalo Wild Wings for some drinks. a girl I knew from college brought a friend and met us so that was fun, they left early though cause she's a gymnastics coach and had to be ready for the individual portion of the gymnastics tournament that was also in town. Ted and I ended up staying at BW3 til they were dragging us out while our fingertips dragged across the hardwood floors. Luckily, the hotel he was staying at had a fridge in the lobby with shitty frozen pizzas and cans of Bud Select. the lady was nice enough to sell us some beers, god knows we needed them....fast forward to Ted poring out 11oz of each can later that morning. we stayed up til 330am pseudo-drinking in the parking lot and shooting the shit, good times. this represents 1 of 3 times in my life i've been to a BW3 and didn't order any food, history was made.

- luckily, i had one of the worst hangover headaches i've ever experienced on saturday morning. after cruising home to grab a quick nap and get my gear for swim practice, it was off to the pool. i felt terrible and was in no condition to properly attack the lesson in typical deagle-gusto fashion. after 200 yards the teacher asked me if i was going to yack in the pool, that's not a good sign. fortunately for me, our teacher was a big talker and we didn't necessarily spend the whole hour swimming. he was a good teacher though, he actually got in the water and swam with us. he was really no-nonsense which was nice and helpful. i had a headache all day which was ridiculous, it must have been the draft beers. i later ran 7 miles, then proceeded to slam 5/8 of an extra large Minuteman Pizza.

- sunday, i didn't do anything. literally, i did nothing. well, thats not completely true, i did some dishes and 1 (one) load of laundry. and you know what? i didn't feel the least bit bad about it. tragically, when nothing else is on tv on sundays i get roped into watching nascar, which sucks on principal, but has some really talented drivers which make it worth watching. there was an incident in the race where a gas man for one of the pit crews ran across the pit lane and damn near the track to retreive a tire that rolled away from their pit stall. this was insanely unsafe and incredibly stupid, but hey, were dealing with nascar here, stupidity shouldn't be unexpected. of course this hilljack was the talk of the race and has been all over espn the past few days being chastized for his actions. as a former fueler on pit stops, i couldn't be more embarassed. i would like to feel sorry for the guy but i can't, he must be a moron. if it wasn't for possible negative backlash from the public, the team would have fired him by now. but, with his 4 race suspension by nascar today, firing this retard would simply incite a sympathy campaign for the goof leading to people sending him hundreds of thousands of dollars to put towards his kids college fund and thus, not teaching him a valuable lesson; which is...don't be a retard.

- the weather has been nice recently and luckily this has coincided with my knee feeling better and me being able to run. hopefully, this won't be my down fall. i'd like to ease back into running more than what i have, but it's just not part of my genetic makeup. my first day of running was last wednesday and i did 3 miles (after swimming for an hour), then i ran on thursday and did 4.5 (after biking for an hour). saturday i did 7, with the plan of running on tues, thurs, and sat this week. upon getting to the gym monday night there was only one bike, which was occupied (somehow the other two were 'out of order.' my ass dickheads, it's a fucking bike. can you pedel the fucking thing? oh, yes? then it isn't out of order). so i ended up running 10 miles last night in record time (82 minutes), then did 7 tonight in 57 mins and immediately went to the gym to bike 15 miles. i hate being inside when it's nice out, the weather is supposed to go back to shit tomorrow which will be a blessing indisguise on some level.

- for some reason i've been checking out twitter a lot lately. i only actually know 2 humans on it, but for some reason its kind of fun to check out some of the peoples messages. i have no clue how to describe twitter, what its true function is, or what its purpose in the greater scheme of things is, but its almost kind of interesting. my favorite part is puff daddys tweets, hes hilarious. i sent him a tweet but he didn't tweet me back, i'm still broken up about it. the fact that he refers to himself as p twitty is spectacular. i'm still partial to facebook, but i'm sure in our present state of technological society, FB will grow to large for its own good soon and our information seeking carnivorous pack will migrate to the next best thing, leaving FB's bloody remains on the interweb prairie.

- no LOST tomorrow but i still might post a few thoughts about recent events. for the return next week I'm planning a big format change to the episode blog which I think will be most enjoyable for all!

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