Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Food for Thought

It's come to my attention recently that I'm completely addicted to pop (if you're a southerner you probably know it as soda or Coke). For the past few years I've done a really good job of drinking it sparsely and hadn't even bought any for home consumption (that didn't involve mixing with liquor) since I lived in Chicago over 4 years ago, that's the God honest truth. But recently...oh boy have I fallen off the wagon. While I still haven't bought any for home use (again, besides mixing with the hard stuff) I've probably been drinking pop 6 days a week. I never, uh hem..rarely, have it with dinner (which I find to be an odd moral victory), and never get the king size 48 oz. drinks at fast food joints, but sometimes I just really go to town, especially after long workouts. Two weeks ago I vowed to put this nonsense to an end and have been staying pretty strong. But...POP IS SOOOOO GOOD! But...it's also like drinking battery acid, and for a highly trained athlete like myself, that can't last. So, this is my Alamo, no more pop while I train for running a long unspecified distance. Any words of encouragement during this struggle with carbonated dependence are greatly appreciated.

Another thing that has come up on my radar recently is the difference between Velveeta Shells and Cheese vs. Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. Let's be serious here, there is absolutely no comparison... as long as you are not an 8 year old. The uneducated mind of an 8 year old is simple and ignorant on the subject of mass produced pastas mixed with cheese that come in a small cardboard box so they are not worthy to join this discussion. Velveeta is the Mercedes of this niche food, while Kraft is the ugly basic US car with shitty instruments that you just hope you get 3 good years out of before you have to jettison it for a nicer and more reliable import. The difference between Velveeta and Kraft is like the eternal struggle between Target and Wal-Mart. Sure, Wal-Mart has cheap plasticy crap that will save you a buck, but at the end of the day, wouldn't you rather pay that extra dollar and see some cute girls at the Target on Olentangy River Road near Ohio State's campus? I think we all know the answer to that one. Velveeta is in a class of its own, unless you're going to compare it to some killer homemade shit that your mom taught you how to make that has ground beef and/or bacon bits involved. Now, I understand there might be some outrage for my lack of respect for Kraft Mac & Cheese. I was once a kid and dined upon Kraft and probably even liked it at the time. Having some Mac & Cheese and some hot dogs and putting them on the same plate, and having some of the ketchup getting mixed in with the pasta, those were heady days for sure. But as I look back, I now realize that I was a child with no spine because I refused to stand up for what is right, which is Velveeta Shells and Cheese on the plates of every decent American. One horrible sidenote to Velveeta, I made some for dinner tonight and looked at the nutritional info on the box and noticed that if you take down the whole box you're pumping nearly 1000 calories into your system. That is ludicrous.

This debate made me think of another battle that wages every day for thousands of citizens in this great country of ours during lunch hour, Quiznos or Subway? Bitch please, Subway doesn't even hold a candle to Quiznos in this argument. The only thing they have going for them is their chocolate chip cookies and bags of apple slices. Besides that, Subway is useless to me. Their attempt to 'toast' subs is a day late and a dollar short in my mind, microwaving their sandwiches like they do is a slap in the face to the good people of Quiznos who actually bake a little love into all their delicious sandwiches. Is Quiznos kind of pricey? Absolutely, but have you been into a Subway lately and gotten a footlong meal deal combo? Dear christ, it's the same price. And after the mental anquish of dealing with tightwad Subway employees, Quiznos comes out miles ahead every day of the week and twice on Sundays. Seriously Subway employees, do you actually pay for veggies/condiments out of your own pockets? For fuck sake, when I ask for jalapenos, I don't mean "could you please put 2 jalapeno slices on my 12" sandwich." I mean "put a lot of fucking jalapenos on my sandwich so I can actually taste them you douchebag." Goddamn that pisses me off.

Here's your music video of the day: C'mere by Interpol. One of my ten favorite songs by one of my favorite bands. This is on my running playlist on my iPod, when I'm in trouble I dial this up during a run. Enjoy

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