Sunday, February 1, 2009

LOST Episode 2 Diary

This is getting to be ridiculous, this is the 3rd (third) time I'm attempting to write this g'damn blog and I'm getting a little upset. As I write that last sentence I start to wonder, whats worse? My computer for screwing me the previous 2 times, or me for trying to do it again and again? I guess that's a question for the ages. Plus, I feel as if I'm treading in uncharted it even legal to post a blog on the weekend? Is there some kind of code of ethics in blogging that says roughly 4pm on Fridays is the cutoff for blog posts until the following Monday? I might need to get some clarification on this, I'd hate to have my blogging priviledge revoked over a simple misunderstanding of the rules. And remember kids, just like driving a car, blogging is a priviledge, not a right. Do you think kids in Iraq under the Saddam Hussein regime were allowed to blog? Hell no. God bless the USA.

As I did last week, I would have liked to have written this on Thursday night so you, my awesome readers, could read this and possibly watch a little 30ROCK, which would set the table for a stellar Friday and be a springboard for a great weekend. Unfortunately, a social engagement prevented me from accomplishing this on Thursday night. But, since I'm a loser, I thought I'd give it a crack on Friday night since I didn't have any plans to go out. Luckily for me about half way through the first attempt I got an 'Application Crashed' message on the computer which I'd never seen before, ever. No big deal I thought, autosaves your work as you go. Upon reopening the page on attempt #2 on Saturday afternoon, it became obvious that 'Draft Autosaved' simply means 'We saved the title and nothing else, good luck remembering everything else you typed douche.' Soooo...partway through attempt #2, Firefox froze up and became unresponsive, great news. Which brings us to the present, where blogspot couldn't even manage to save the f'ing title. Thanks dicks.

I need to clarify a statement I made earlier when I said 'social engagement.' What I meant to say was I went out and got loaded at my favorite weekday hangout, Novak's on High, home of the $13 5 hour bar tab. God bless Shannon, Sara, and Jenny, they're the best. And kudos to the person rocking out on the jukebox, Bon Jovi's 'Raise Your Hands?' Dear lord, that song kicks ass, that one is going on my bachelor party megamix no questions asked. Upon arriving home from getting tanked, I felt the need to rewatch Wednesday nights LOST episode at which point I sent Kristen P. a LOST themed Facebook comment. A LOST comment at 1:45 am...classy, I know.

Onto the subject at hand, I had a huge revelation about the season premiere a few days ago. At the beginning of that episode it shows what I presumed to be Dr. Changs wife and his newborn child. The only problem with that scene is that I thought all women that became pregnant on the island died? How did this lady have a kid and survive? The scene was short and seemed inconsequential at the time, but I think there are a lot of questions that need to be answered in one sense or another. Onto episode 2, 'Jughead,'...

9:00- The show starts with Desmond running around looking for someone/something at a small Asian port. Oh boy! A Desmond episode? It's going to be uncomfortable for me to sit with this boner for the next 60 minutes. As it turns out he's looking for a doctor to help Penny give birth. Who goes sailing around the world when they're preggers? That's just irresponsible parenting. Des and Penny, you're better than that, come on now.

9:03- Flash forward to the present where Des and Penny are with their son. This is uncomfortable, I'm now jealous of a fictional 3 year old for having such awesomely cool parents.

9:07- Hmmm, The Others are attempting to take the Losties hostage with shitty homemade bows and arrows. I guess the current economic of the world knows no limits, even The Others have been effected and can't afford guns. You'll never catch me being taken hostage by someone with a bow and arrow, how lame. And seriously, could Daniel Faraday's stock rise anymore? In the history of tv no character has had such a meteroic rise in prominance from one season to the next. We're witnessing history here folks.

9:12- Big time foreshadowing in conversation between Desmond and Penny. Penny tells Desmond, 'You can't go back to the island.' Desmond responds, 'Why would I want to go back there?' Translation, at some point Desmond needs/wants to go back to the island and needs to choose between his family and the island. Don't question this, I'm a genious, more evidence to this fact will be presented later in this post.

9:14- Miles Straume, the Asian member of the freighters research team, whips out his skills as the group nears the stream. This isn't really that important but it led to the best text of the night by Kristen. I had sent her a text referring to him as 'Myles.' She responded saying I only spelled his name like that because of my infatuation with Myles Pizza in Bowling Green. Touche, my friend. She is correct that my subconscious love for the delicious pie plays a role in my spelling as I find out his name is spelled with an I, not a Y.

9:20- Desmond has found his way to Cambridge where they tell him they have no record of Faraday ever being there. Desmond, being a smart, enquisitive, handsome devil like myself, decides to poke around a little and finds a sealed off room with a picture of Faraday and the leftovers of his experiements. A janitor walks in and gives him a name of a lady he should go see. Des plays it cool and talks to him, I would have jumped the guy from behind and pulled some ninja shit, broken his neck, and snuck out the back door so no one ever knew I was there. I guess there are a few different ways to handle every situation.

9:28- Locke, talking to the soliders on the island, refers to everyone as 'My people.' He really appears to be buying into his destiny as the leader of everyone.

9:34- Desmond goes to the house the janitor told him about and finds the lady is in a vegatative state due to something Faraday did to her. The implication is that he was running some kind of time travel experiements on her but I propose another theory. Faraday is such a monster in the bedroom that she had sensory overload while doing it and was left in this coma-like condition. I'm just putting that out there. Unfortunately this conflicts with my other theory that Faraday is gay, I need to reconcile these two views. The lady's sister tells Desmond that Charles Widmore was the one funding Faraday's research, and is now paying for all of the girl's medical bills, which is nice of him I think. This episode is absolutely insane, there is so much going on, I love it.

9:49- Desmond charges into Widmore's office! This is outstanding stuff! Widmore has been shown throughout the show to be a stone cold guy, never backing down from anyone, and always pushing his agenda. The tide has turned apparently as Widmore asks Des a question about Penny's well-being, but Desmond refuses to answer and asks C-Dub (as I'm going to refer to Charles Widmore from now on) for Faraday's mom's location. Widmore gives in but admonishes Hume to "After delivering your message, get out of this," and to "...go back to where you were hiding." Spectacular stuff, great interaction between two adversaries.

9:50- Kristen texts at some point asking when the next time jump is going to take place. My response is at the end of this episode, after Faraday disarms the bomb, but before Locke has a chance to finish his conversation with Richard Alpert. Remember that statement. Anyway...Locke barges into the soldiers camp and demands to speak with Ageless Richard. Richard comes to see Locke but has no idea who he is, eventhough he's seen him numerous times in the future. While he may be ageless, the time leaps don't seem to effect him in some manner...interesting. Alpert barks at one of the soldiers...who turns out to be a young C-Dub, did I mention this episode is crazy? I might have an epileptic seizure soon.

9:57- Desmond gets back to the boat to see Penny and their son Charlie...yeah, Charlie, obviously an hommage to Charlie Pace, who Des couldn't save no matter how hard he tried as shown in season 3's 'Flashes Before Our Eyes,' one of the best episodes ever. Desmond tries to lie to Penny about Faraday's mom but she sees right through it. The Humes are going to Los Angeles!

10:00- Just like clockwork, Locke is talking to Richard when the high pitched sound of the time jump is heard. Locke needs more information about how to get off the island...but...too late! The jump has happened, just as I predicted (minus the Faraday disarming the bomb thing, but 2 out of 3 isn't bad). Charlotte, who's playing with the houses money anyway since she's started having symptoms of the dreaded time jump sickness, falls over with a massively bloody nose (which was the final symptom for the guy in season 4 episode 'The Constant,' right before he croaked). She sucks anyway, her character is no big loss. Although, when Faraday was telling her he loved her she looked really happy, like no one had told her that in a really long time. Will Faraday be able to save her? Doubtful.

1 comment:

  1. Charlotte will not die! I think we'll find out that she is critical to the storyline. I would be happy if Daniel Faraday told me he loved me...he's totally quirky and soooo smart. Super hot!
