Wednesday, February 18, 2009

LOST Episode 3 Diary...2 weeks late

As we prepare for tonights 5th episode of LOST, it's probably about time to get to episode 3, 'The Little Prince.' I think I was unable to do this one on time because I had some friends come in town the following night and then had to go to Michigan for a wedding over that next weekend. While these are decent excuses for why I didn't get the diary posted, I must remember that I am not bigger than LOST, and that LOST deserves the proper amount of time and attention. I feel humbled by this mistake and can only promise to try to be a better man in the future. Like A-Rod said in his presser yesterday, "Don't judge me on what I've done in the past, judge me on what I do from this point forward." Seeing how this episode took place 2 weeks ago, I took the opportunity to watch episode 3, as well as ep. 4, again last night to refresh my memory and get properly pumped up for tonights new episode. Here we go...'The Little Prince'...

9:02 EST- Kate is holding baby Aaron on Penny's rescue boat while her doppleganger Jack sits there attempting not to drool all over himself. She tells him that she's going to lie and say the child is hers, of course, Jack doesn't dissapprove. Am I the only one who doesn't see any chance of this working? They weren't even on the island for 1/2 a year, and Kate wasn't pregnant when she got there, and yet shes going to convice everyone the kid is hers? Coming from someone who blew a dude up, I guess this line of thought isn't completely illogical. Good luck with that Kate, I don't see how anything can go wrong.

9:04- Another brilliant move by Kate, she leaves 3 year old Aaron with Sun while she goes to 'negotiate' with the lawyer who showed up at her house asking for blood samples. The odd's of Kate seeing the kid again...roughly 15%. She isn't even 100% sure what side Sun is playing yet. No wonder Jack always feels the need to help Kate, she clearly needs guidance in most aspects of her life. Except in terms of blowing people up, she seems to have that part figured out.

9:10- On the island, Charlotte is still out cold and Sawyer is pacing like a caged animal. Juliette, who has become completely useless this season, keeps telling him to shut up and eventually to leave. She is very calming and doesn't mind busting his balls in front of everyone to meet that end. I can't wait til they hookup, he's Sawyer, you know it's going to happen. In terms of Charlotte, Faraday compares her symptoms from the leaps to 'jet lag.' Sorry bro, I've had jet lag and it's never made me pass out with a massively bloody nose.

9:12- MENSA candidate Kate is at the lawyers office and tries to negotiate with him to find out the identity of his client who's trying to take Aaron. The lawyer calls her out bigtime saying she is in no position to negotiate, which she isn't. She wants to know who is doing this to her, he responds "You did this to yourself." Oh Kate, you probably should ask him if he is a bankruptcy attorney so you can file for mental chapter 11.

9:14- LOSTies on the island are trying to figure out where they should go next, Locke says the Orchid because that's where all the time travelling problems started so that's probably where they'll end. Sawyer asks why they need everyone to come back, to which Locke replies "Don't you want them to come back James? Don't you want her to come back?" Sawyer can't seem to get away from thinking about Kate, he obviously thought he was playing it all smooth but apparently everyone on the fucking island noticed his feelings...and the fact that they boned...boned bigtime while being held captive. BTW, it's sunny as all hell on that island and no one has sunglasses. If I had to squint for 5 months straight, I'd be a testy guy.

9:23- Locke et al. are roaming through the forest at night when they see the beam of light coming from the hatch (the event from the season 1 finale), so obviously the last jump took them back only a few months. A few steps later Sawyer comes across Kate helping Claire give birth to Aaron and gets severly choked up seeing her again. He is mega-whipped, when he hooks up with Juliette things are going to get really weird.

9:30- I just figured out who the one guy from the Wendy's 3conomic's adds is. Not the guy who does all the talking, or the Asian guy with the bowl cut, but the third guy. He was the guy in 'The Dark Knight' who gets busted after the public shooting of Commissioner Gordon. That was bothering me, I'm glad I figured that one out. Also in 'The Dark Knight'...the guy who plays Richard Alpert on LOST, Nestor Carbonell. That's a strange name.

9:34- Miles asks Faraday what is causing the nosebleeds after the time jumps. Faraday thinks it has something to do with amount of exposure to the island. Miles says he, DF, and Charlotte, have the least amount but yet, Charlotte has the worst symptoms. Miles then says he's never been on the island and Faraday asks, "Are you sure?" Ohhhhhh, big hint to the fact that Miles is Dr. Changs child! Boo Ya!

9:39- Kate and Jack follow the lawyer who she just met to see who he meets with at the end of the day. He heads to a hotel and goes to a room. The person opening the door is Claire's mom...this is too obvious. This can't be the person coming after Kate.

9:46- After the lawyer leaves, Jack goes up to the ladie's room to try to talk some sense into her. After mentioning Aaron's name, Claire's mom says, "Who's Aaron?" She obviously isn't there to get the kid back, apparently she's in town to settle her lawsuit with Oceanic Airlines and that the same lawyer just happens to be representing her.

9:48- Cut to the same lawyer pulling into a parking garage and parking next to a van. He gets out and talks to the person in the van who is...Benjamin Linus! Sayid listens as the lawyer tells Ben that the case against shitty Hurley (currently in county lockup) is terrible and he should be released by morning, which plays right into Ben's hands. After the lawyer leaves, Sayid asks Ben who that was. "That was my lawyer," says Ben. Clearly he's found his stronghold on Kate that will force her to go back to the Island, Aaron. I smell blackmail!

9:50- While attempting to row their little boat to the other side of the island, Sawyer opens up to Juliette about his feelings for Kate. This is getting ridiculous, Sawyer just needs to admit he loves her. Juliette then proceeds to get her first bloody nose, uh oh!

9:52- A rubber raft is seen in the midst of a major rain storm, presummably near the island. The boats crew sees someone floating on a big piece of wood and pick him up. ITS JIN! He's still alive! He had to be, he didn't get the proper sendoff that other characters have gotten so that seemed to make sense. Glad to have you back Jin, looks like you need a little chapstick bro.

9:55- Jack and Kate arrive at the docks and meet up with Ben and Sayid. Upon hearing that Jack is working with Ben, Kate is actually able to figure out that Ben is behind the lawyer trying to take Aaron. Well played Kate, I take back the previous MENSA comment.

9:58- Cut back to the island where Jin is coming around and talking to the French crew of the boat. We all see where this is going as he talks to a pregnant French lady and tada!...It's Rousseau. Quelle surprise! Great episode though, these time jumps are making things crazy!

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